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kitchen counter

Countertop Showroom in Athens, GA

Complete your kitchen or bath cabinet makeover with beautiful countertops carefully crafted in the material of your choice. Creative Concepts Kitchen & Bath is a countertop dealer in Athens, GA with an expansive showroom to view and compare options to match your style. We can complete your project with our professional installation services, and you’ll enjoy a new kitchen or bath makeover in no time. We work with the biggest names in countertop production, ensuring a quality product no matter which you choose.

Quartz Countertops

If you want a maintenance-free, durable material, quartz is a popular countertop choice. It’s an engineered nonporous stone made of 93% quartz mixed with polymers and resins. This manufactured option doesn’t require sealing, and the coloring is more consistent throughout than natural stone counters. Quartz is not only durable, but it’s resistant to water, stains, and mold, making it ideal for kitchens and bathrooms. Our quartz manufacturers include:


Granite Countertops

Granite is a natural stone material with varied colors and patterns. Our showroom includes over 50 different color options, with even more available from our suppliers. Granite is one of the most rigid materials in the world and adds a touch of luxury to any kitchen or bathroom. Even with its sophisticated style, it’s one of the more affordable counter options. Granite is resistant to stains, scratches, and even heat, meaning you can put hot pots and pans on the counter right out of the oven. Our suppliers include:

Porcelain Countertops

Porcelain countertops are widely popular because of their low-maintenance surface, heat resistance, and material strength. The substance is also highly resistant to UV rays, so if the counter is installed in a kitchen or bath that receives a lot of natural light, you don’t have to worry about the material breaking down over time. Another bonus is that these countertops contain all-natural materials, so they are fully recyclable when removed from any kitchen or bathroom. We offer customers porcelain designs from:

luxury kitchen with tables and chair

Complete Counter and Backsplash Installation Services

Creative Concepts Kitchen & Bath is a leading kitchen and bathroom countertop provider in Athens, GA. We work with a variety of counter manufacturers, offering different materials to meet your needs. We’re proud to be the premier Cambria showroom in the region. Our services include sales and installation, and we’ll complete any plumbing and electrical work required to finish your project. Ready to give your kitchen or bath a modern upgrade with exceptional products? Visit our showroom today.

Athens’ Premier Source for Cabinetry and Countertops